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Legal Notice

Magic Riviera is a commercial service created in June 2023. This trademark was registered on xx/xx/xxxx. The legal entity that manages the services, the artists and the contracts is the BBillusion association.


About BBillusion

Headquarter: 66 avenue Thalès, 83700 Saint-Raphaël

Object: Cette association a pour objet la création et la production de spectacles vivants

Association scheme: loi 1901

Creation date: 2018

RNA code: W831010785

Siret: 923 595 102 00016

APE code: 9001Z Arts de spectacle vivant

VAT: none

Show licenses: L-D-23-004386 et L-D-23-004387

Assurance: matmut interentreprise


Phone: 06 61 06 33 07



In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the magic riviera site are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring.


Editing the site


This site, accessible at the URL (the "Site"), is published by:


The bbillusion association, registered with the prefecture/sub-prefecture of 83 - Sous-Préfecture Draguignan under number W831010785, with its headquarters located at 66 avenue thales, 83700 Saint-Raphaël, represented by Christophe Bevy duly authorized




The Site is hosted by Wix, located at 1 Grant's Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96, Ireland, (telephone or email contact: (+1) 415 358 0857).


Publication director


The Publication Director of the Site is BEVY Christophe.


Contact us

By phone : +33661063307

By email :

By mail : 66 avenue Thalès, 83700 Saint-Raphaël


Personal data


The processing of your personal data is governed by our Privacy Policy, available from the "Personal Data Protection Charter" section, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 ( “GDPR”).


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