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Terms of Sales



Magic Riviera is a commercial service created in June 2023. This trademark was registered on … The legal entity that manages the services, the artists and the contracts is the BBillusion association. For more details on the legal entity, please go to the page: legal notices. The general conditions of sale apply exclusively between the BBillusion association (mentioned by "We" in the following paragraphs) and the people/companies who wish to perform an artistic performance in the field of magic for an event (mentioned by “The Client” in the following paragraphs).


Reservation of a performance and deposit 

When the client contacts Magic Riviera for the creation of a magical performance for an event, the BBillusion association sends a personalized quote for the proposed service. The quote has a validity date of 7 days from the date of sending to the customer. After this date, the customer must return to BBillusion to extend its validity (in particular to ensure the availability of the artists). The reservation of the performance is made once the quote has been returned signed with the mention "good for agreement" and the company's stamp. From the date of signature of the quote, the customer must pay a 50% deposit by bank transfer (RIB below) or by check payable to BBillusion. The check should be sent to the following address:


Association BBillusion

66 Avenue Thalès, Epsilon 2, Bât Epsicod

83700 Saint-Raphaël



Bank : 10096 | Ticket office : 18162 | Account N° : 00028292801 | Key : 02 | Currency : EUR | Domiciliation : CIC FREJUS TASSIGNY


IBAN : FR76 1009 6181 6200 0282 9280 102

BIC (Bank Identifier Code) : CMCIFRPP


The performance is validated upon receipt of the deposit and the return of the signed estimate.



The prices offered and the payment will be made in euros, even if the customer is domiciled outside France.


Legal obligations

The price of a performance includes: management costs related to the association (urssaf, insurance, etc.), management and employment of artists, costs related to the creation and purchase of material for the performance and possible transport costs.



From the receipt of the signed quote, if the proposed artist is unable to provide the performance, we undertake to find another artist and to adapt the service while respecting the expectations of the client and the fixed price. If this new solution does not suit the client, the performance will be canceled and the deposit will be fully refunded.


Payment of the balance

An invoice will be sent to the customer on the day of the service. The party undertakes to pay the remaining balance upon receipt on the day of the event by bank transfer or check (see above for bank details). Payment must be made no later than fifteen days after the service. If this deadline is not respected, by mutual agreement, a fixed increase of 10% will be automatically due each month of delay.

Postponement and cancellation

If the show should not take place due to a case of force majeure: health crisis, for climatic reasons, general strike or other, the service would be postponed to another date depending on the availability of the artists and the client. If the show should not take place on the date defined in the contract due to a withdrawal on the part of the customer. A new date could be defined depending on the availability of the client and the artists. The date of payment remains the date of the service originally set. The remaining balance must be paid upon receipt of the invoice no later than fifteen days after the date of the event initially planned. If no postponement date is found. The service is canceled and the BBillusion association retains the 50% deposit (including tax). In the event of definitive cancellation by the customer (except in cases of force majeure) the 50% deposit (including tax) will be retained by the BBillusion association. If this cancellation occurs between 7 days and 2 days before the date initially scheduled, 75% of the total amount (including tax) must be refunded. If the cancellation takes place the same day, the full amount (including VAT) will be due by the customer. The remaining balance must be paid upon receipt of the invoice no later than fifteen days after the date of the event initially planned.



In the event of a dispute over the interpretation of the general conditions of sale, the two parties first undertake to resolve the problems amicably, otherwise they will refer to the legal authorities.

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